Tiny Hand



So I went shopping the other day (insert: I hate shopping) and I found a hat I really liked. Whilst trying to put it on, I noticed that my gigantic, hollow head couldn't fit this damn hat. So I went up to the saleslady, hoping that they have this particular hat in another size. One that would fit my head.
Little did I know, this was a touchy lady. I was about to experience the one thing that I hate the most (apart from whiny children and liquorice) ... someone touching my face.
I couldn't tell where her face ended and her neck began. She tried to be uber-friendly but the absence of productive distance, as I call it, freaked me the hell out. In that moment, where her fingers slightly touched my cheek, I couldn't think of something else besides cutting them off. Or biting them. But that would need even MORE physical contact. Ugh.
I don't know what it is about someone touching my face that annoys me so much. Overall, I don't hate to be touched in general. There are certain areas that might even need a little bit of physical contact now and then -- still speaking about my head ... the one my shoulders --
You can imagine it like this:
....Overall, I'm a very face-oriented person. If there is something like a face-fetish, count me in! There are certain shapes, colors, hollow surfaces and bulges that interest me - the more striking and prominent, the better. I'm not a guy that stares at butts or chests or stuff like that. I just stare at people's faces.
So why am I writing/thinking about this now?
Maybe because of the fact that my skin is letting me down again.. so much that I just want to rip it off, steal somebody's face and staple it onto my scalp... So, yeah... Looking into the mirror every hour, desperately hoping that something might have magically changed in the meantime, might have been the reason for me to think about faces in general. PLUS this weird incident with the touchy saleslady...


After several minutes of searching through my music files, I did not find anything that could fit to this topic. The only thing I found was a track that had "Faces" in the title. Fair enough :)

The M Machine - Faces

"The Beautiful People" by Marylin Manson also came to my mind, but I don't think it fits to the rest of the tracks listed by this blog ;)

Let's just continue with "normal" favorites from the past few weeks, shall we?

San Cisco - Awkward (suggested by "simon")

GRiZ - Fall In Love Too Fast

Pupkulies & Rebecca - Paper (suKo Edit)

Kyle Andrews - Sushi

Enjoy your weekend!


"Social Intelligence" - Or : Herp Derp, I'm Stoopid #2

Two things led to writing this post: a board game about general knowlegde and an upcoming re-exam.

I failed at the first try of an exam in "Language and Cognition" and - of course - need to do it again. The reason for failing at the first time may be that the lecture is just a combination of other lectures I had a year ago. But Max, if you already know all that stuff, you should be able to rock this exam, right? NO! This lecture combines the lamest parts of the other lectures and pushes them into a big, ugly ball of soporific knowledge. Like these rubber band balls. Why even collect all of them into a big ball of uselessness? Sure, a rubber band ball can be fun if you throw it around, but unfortunately, I cannot throw my lecture out of the window. 
While trying to study for the re-exam, my usual learning-mood sets in. Idleness.
After a few hours (sometimes just minutes) of learning, my eyes can't identify letters anymore and only rush over the black symbols on the white background. The seldomly heard voice in my head starts talking gibberish and I begin to stare like a brain-dead person. Realizing that it doesn't make sense to continue this nonsense, I gave up studying. But since the re-exam is in a few days from now and because I REALLY need to pass this time, I looked at my notes again - sensing that the cycle of brain-dead-ness might start all over again.
There is this game called "bezzerwizzer" (which means "know-it-all") where you have several fields that you have to cross in order to come to the end an win. To get further, you need to answer questions. These questions are about general knowledge, meaning History, Society, Media, Literature+Art, Geography, Music and so on. I played this game with 2 of my friends in the hopes of maybe enjoying it (I mean, it's a game... you SHOULD have fun doing it, right?). Oh boy, was I wrong! Up to this day, I feel my ego vegetating to the point of extinction, because I just feel so damn stupid and like I'm lagging behind. The other guys had no problem listing every state of the USA, answering questions about foreign wars and overall excelling in this freakin' game for - as the title says it - "know-it-all"s. It's like my brain is not even able to process these pieces of information, as if there are some knowledge-receptors missing. Or as if I have enough of them, but not just the right kind or only the ones, that can receive information that would never be relevant in any kind of exam. My brain is trolling me! :c
Sure, I answered some of these questions correctly. And they might have been questions that the other 2 could never answer in their whole life... But do you wanna know what kind of answers they were? Hm? One of them was "Kylie Minogue." KYLIE. F*CKING. MINOGUE!  So embarrassing ._.''

But hey. Obviously, Music was one of those topics that were quite easy for me to answer. Maybe I'm not "stoopid," but just equipped with different knowledge-receptors. Or so...

Also, I've been talking about something like "Social Intelligence" with a few friends of mine over the past few months...Not only does this give me the opportunity to still be kind of smart, haHA!, it also defines another very important part of being intelligent. And that is being social! - well, in my eyes at least. The ability to communicate with the people who surround you, sensing the intentions of others while talking to them and noticing meanings above the level of normal understanding. I think, I can do that. Yeah, I think, I'm kind of socially intelligent.. What do you think? Is there something like "Social Intelligence" and if so, is it part of being a smart, open-minded and judicious person? (Let me know in the comment section below!)


So let's see what my music collection has to offer today... A nice mix of Pop, Indie, Electronica and Alternative. Something for everyone! :]

Blondfire - Waves

Mypet - Pays To Know

Tetr4 - Delta (C2C) 

Hey Champ - Cold Dust Girl (Gemini Club Remix)

...found this song while looking for the movie "Pina" (2011). Great soundtrack!!!
Jun Miyake - Lillies of the Valleys (Pina OST)

You can (!) download these songs with the download helper app if you want to (you should consider buying them and supporting the artists, though). So enjoy them - and the rest of the weekend, too ;)


Kiss Me, I'm ... Desperate.

"Kiss me, I'm Irish!" - a reference to the Blarney Stone, referring to the "Irish luck", often used at Valentine's day to talk someone into a little smooch. But when you look into Ireland's history, they didn't have that much luck if you think about it... Anyway, I'm in a mood right now that I normally malign when others show indications of having it. Not only being somehow flirty and in need of some hugs, but also seeking closeness and interpreting every positive sentence towards someone - without regarding its actual purpose - as a loving note. I'm the one that awkwardly "AAAAAH"s everytime a couple kisses in public or in a movie.
Considering my current outward appearance, I'm far away from being "Prince Charming." But I always bet on my personality and hope that it outshines my pear-y body.
Providing that someone actually cares about who I am as a person and not what I look like aaaaand that there is a certain connection, there might be the chance of physical contact... the innocent kind.
And I guess what I miss the most are these very subtle things that may not even be of interest for most of you. But, for instance, when my hand lies next to the hand of someone I like and he/we decide/s  to, like, make them interact and touch... and when they clasp... I don't know why but - with the right person - this little gesture is enough to make me smile like a Cheshire cat and my big, big heart burst with joy! 

Insert: Just thought of sharing this song right now. drawing the hands made me think of it :) Don't forget to check out the amazing video!!
Alpine - Hands

Call me batshit crazy, but these little things mean much more to me than words or a kiss. Maybe this annoying feeling of needing someone goes away by just clasping my hand with another hand or just a nice, loving hug by a potential partner.
To sum things up: I think I need love.


King Rule - Rock Bottom

Benjamin Francis Leftwich- When You Were Young (cover)

Antony and The Johnsons - Cut The World

Enough of this whiney crap for now. :)
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