Travelled for hours to be by your side.
Had a good time and I thought you did too...
Then I went home with a heap of illusions
just to acknowledge I'm nothing for you[*].
Well, well, April's been a weird month for me so far. Not only am I forced to get up earlier than 12am now, but I also have a pretty rough rollercoaster of emotions behind me. The fact that I'm in a kind of "quarantine" right now, waiting for a certain person[*] to open up a bit and give me another chance, and my current lack of selfconfidence make it hard for me to devote myself to my studies... and all the other, life in general...
I found a new way to clear my head - writing. In particular, writing songs/ a song.
I downloaded this song by 'Electric Guest' and when I hear the first few seconds of it, I have this melody in my head that has nothing to do with the actual song. So I'm like "Hey, why not make your OWN song inspired by these few seconds...?" - HERE is the song I'm talking about...
And since I wanted to write about something I experienced myself and want to share what I
Having Electric Guest's song as an inspiration for the song, I want it to sound a bit like them, too. Them, and maybe a bit like Foster the People and Mumford&Sons. But neither do I know how to play the guitar (which would be essential to get this feeling and sound that I want) nor how to record something. Soooo maybe I'm able to do everything with... my mouth!?!? (*that's what she said!*)
"Camille" has/have made a whole album using only voices and hands (to create sound and rhythm) and more or less no instruments.. and. it. was. AWESOME. (Maybe I could try that??) .. Oh, I love me some French music, mh-hm :D
Camille - Ta Douleur
And this is what my "writing process" looks like:
a pen, paper and liquor.
wuaaaaaah.. enough with this personal, touchy-feely[**] stuff... let's get to my favorites of the month!!!
([**]an expression I heard at a seminar... felt right to use it here :D)
In my first post, I used "Lofticries" to show what this blog is more or less about. Now I've found "Obedear" by Purity Ring, as well as many other songs by them, and I remember why I love this band so much. A young, dreamy voice combined with these weirdbutatthesametimeinteresting sound elements.
Purity Ring - Obedear
Before I continue - Can it be that one can have some sort of "female artists -phase" when it comes to music? The next artist is female as well... and I bet there are more women to come. Anyways...
The next one is a themoreyoulistentoitthemoreyoulikeit-song. It's such a catchy tune that it's #1 on my list right now...
Meiko - Leave The Lights On (Radio Mix)
Aaaaand, what did I tell you? Another female artist! ... It must be something about a woman's voice that I dig at the moment... The next one is produced by Pharell Williams and for that reason alone a fantastic thing by itself. Plus, it is a song you can use perfectly for one purpose - lying in the grass, feeling great, watching the clouds go by and creating shapes with your arms and fingers above your face while moving your head in the rhythm of the song...
Yuna - Live Your Life
The last woman of today / this blog is Marion Cotillard. Yeah, I mean this one right here:
It's actually a VERY good song, which sounds nothing like the usual Franz Ferdinand, and it's the theme for one of Dior's collections (it seems)... Although I had this one in my itunes for a very long time, I'm starting to re-love it now for the past few days. Is that a word - "re-love"? No?.. IT IS NOW!.. BAM!
Franz Ferdinand (feat. Marion Cotillard) - The Eyes Of Mars
Let's come to an end. Here is Jai Paul's beeeaaauuuuuuuuutiful "BTSTU", which I only found because of a cover by the awesome Niia (more about her cover in an up-coming post) ... Enjoy!
Jai Paul - BTSTU